Here is a sample of what we offer at Emma's. We carry a wide variety of annuals, perennials, flowering plants, tropical plants, succulents, cacti, veggies, herbs, and holiday favorites. Become a member to get weekly updates on our plant availability.
Winter & Early Spring
We grow a wide range of colors
Annual Rudbeckia, Zinnia "Zowie Yellow Flame," Salvia "Mystic Spires," Canna
Canna, Coleus "Kong Green Halo," Strobalanthes
Alocasia, Begonia, Coleus
Alocasia Caladium, Alternathera
Fall & Holiday
Small Pots
Year-Round Tropical & Specialty Plants
Vegetables & Herbs
Annual Rudbeckia, Zinnia "Zowie Yellow Flame," Salvia "Mystic Spires," Canna
Canna, Coleus "Kong Green Halo," Strobalanthes
Sunpatien "Electric Orange," Alternathera, Strobilanthes
Coleus, SunPatien
Alocasia, Begonia, Coleus
Alocasia Caladium, Alternathera
SunPatien, Coleus, Zinnia
Coleus, Angelonia, Begonia "Dragon Wing"
SunPatien "Electric Orange", Coleus "Trailing Red"
Coleus, Angelonia, Begonia "Dragon Wing"
Alocasia "Calidora," Zinnia "Profusion Orange," Lantana "Gold Mound," Begonia "Dragon Wing Red," Lobularia "Snow Princess"
SunPatien "Corona," Coleus "Red Head"
Lantana "Landmark Rose," Vinca "Wojo's Jem," Scaevolia, Mandovilla "Sun Parasol Pink"